Ggbet Withdraw

broken image
The withdrawal went through and that time my identity was not verified yet. Then I deposited $150 to wager and it became $728 (this was 3 days ago from writing this comment)! Then I decided to withdraw $400 (two $200) and it was declined.
Ggbet reached out then we started the verification process. To be honest, I am not comfortable doing that verification. The agent will instruct you to hold your ID and Credit Card near your face and the agent will take a picture of it. Of course numbers on my CC were covered as well as the 3 digits at the back.
How To Withdraw Money From Ggbet
Ggbet Withdraw Time
Ggbet Can't Withdraw 1. Cybergaming rules
You can pay or withdraw through VisaCard, Qiwi, Yandex, MNP, MasterCard, TELE2, MTC, Paysafecard, Bank Transfer, etc. GGBet accepts USD, EUR, RUB, and Bitcoin payments. Some GG Bet withdrawal rules with respect to time: Withdrawing from $10 up to $300 takes within 24 hours to be credited. Withdrawing from $300 up to $2,000 takes 5 business days.
If one of the players (or team) is removed from the match (for whatever reason), all remaining rounds/cards will be considered a loss.
In the event that a game is carried over more than 48 hours, bets on the match shall be subject to return at a coefficient of 1.
In the event that a match is stopped by the referees and a rematch is decreed, the results of the stopped game will not be taken into account. 2. Types of cybergaming outcomes
Who Will Go On In the proposed twos/couples one names a participant who will go on in the tournament grid. If both participants have left the tournament, the best shall be the participant who has gone furthest in the tournament grid. If both participants have been eliminated in the same round, the coefficient of winnings on the bets shall be equal to 1. In the event that a participant refuses to enter a tournament before it begins, the coefficient of winnings on the bets shall be equal to 1.
WINNER. The winner is a participant who gains the first place in the tournament. In the event that a participant refuses to enter the tournament before it begins, the coefficient of winnings on bets made on that participant shall be 1.
First Blood bet one must determine which of the teams will first defeat a rival player.
First Roshan bet one must determine which of the teams will defeat Roshan first.
Round Length bet one must determine whether the round will last for shorter or longer than the proposed time in minutes. Only the integer value of the minutes played is taken into account, that is, seconds are not taken into account.
The handicap, individual total, and even/odd round total is shown in deaths unless the line specifies otherwise. A death shall mean the death of a character for any reason (killed by enemy characters, Roshan, creeps, etc.). Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)
Winner A bet on a winner of the match. The match starts with the first kill in a pistol round.
1x2 It is similar to the Winner outcome but it indicates the chance of a draw outcome. It is available in the matches where the draw outcome is possible (such as BO2 or BO1 matches with no overtime).
Handicap 0 A bet on the winning team without including the draw. If there is a draw outcome, the bet is calculated with the odds at 1 (the bet returns).
Map number Winner (including overtime) A bet on a winner of the chosen map within the match. Includes additional rounds.
Map number First half winner A bet on a team that is the first to win 8 rounds on the chosen map.
Map number Odd/Even number of rounds A bet on an odd or even number of rounds on the map, not including the overtime.
Map number If there is overtime A bet on whether the match goes to overtime on the chosen map.
Map number If there is team kill A bet on whether there is a team kill from the chosen team on the chosen map. Team kill means killing your team member.
Map number If there is knife kill A bet on whether there is a knife kill of the opponent from the chosen team on the chosen map.
Map number Pistol round winner A bet on a team that wins the chosen pistol round.
Map number Two pistol rounds winner A bet on a team that wins both pistol rounds on the chosen map.
Map number Bomb planted in pistol round N A bet on whether there is a bomb planted in the specified pistol round on the chosen map.
Pistol rounds (the first and the second ones) are the first and the sixteen rounds in the overall score on the map.
Total number of rounds A bet on the total number of rounds played by both teams in the match, not including the overtime.
Team N Total number of rounds A bet on the total number of rounds won by the specified team in the match, not including the overtime.
For example, a player places a bet on the outcome of 24.5+ of team 2. The BO3 match ended with the loss of the specified team with a score of 11-16: 13-16. The total number of rounds won by team 2 is 24 (11+13). The bet loses as the number of rounds won is lower than the value specified in the Slip. However, if a bet is placed on the outcome of less than 24.5, and the number of rounds won in the match is 24, the bet wins.
Team N Total number of pistol rounds won A bet on whether the specified team wins the chosen number of pistol rounds in the match.
Map number Total number of rounds A bet on the total number of rounds on the map, not including the overtime. For example, if a player places a bet on the outcome of 26.5, and the total number of rounds played on the map is 26, the bet loses as the number of rounds played is lower than the value specified in the Slip. However, if a bet is placed on the outcome of less than 26.5, and the number of rounds played is 26, the bet wins. The maximum number of rounds that can be played is 30.
Map number Total number of rounds for team N A bet on the specified number of rounds that are played by the team N on the specified map, not including the overtime.
Map number Total number of rounds for team N played for Terrorists/Counter-Terrorists A bet on the specified number of rounds won by the team N on the specified map, not including the overtime, when it plays for the specified team: attack (Terrorists) or defense (Counter-Terrorists).
Map number Total number of rounds that end with the bomb explosion A bet on the total number of rounds on the map (not including the overtime) that end with the bomb explosion.
Map number Total number of kills in the pistol round A bet on the total number of kills from both teams in the specified pistol round on the map.
Round handicap Advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams displayed in the total number of won or lost rounds in the match, not including the overtime.
Map number Round handicap Advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams displayed in the total number of won or lost rounds on the specified map, not including the overtime.
Map number Round X Winner - A bet on a winning team in a certain round on the specified map. A win in the round is achieved by killing all the opponents on the map, blowing up/defusing the bomb or running out of time on the round timer.
Map number Race to X rounds A bet on which team is the first to reach the chosen number of rounds on the specified map.
Map number Exact score A bet on the final specified score for the specified map. If the score on the map reaches 15-15, all the bets on that market will be calculated at odds of 1.
Odd/even number of maps A bet on an odd or even total number of maps played in the match. It is only used for BO3 matches.
Total number of maps A total number of maps played in the match.
Map handicap Advantage or disadvantage of one of the teams displayed in the number of won or lost maps.
Exact map score You are to choose the exact final score in the match played by the maps.
Map number Round X Winning method You are to choose the exact winning method in the chosen round on the specified map. The round can be won using one of the following methods: killing all the opponents on the map, blowing up the bomb, defusing the bomb, running out of time on the round timer. OVERTIME
The map can be won in at least 16 rounds. In case of a draw on the map (when the score is 15-15), the tournament rules usually suggest playing 6 additional rounds, which are also called overtime. The first team to win 4 out of 6 additional rounds in the overtime is the winner. In case of a draw in the overtime (both teams won 3 rounds of overtime each), the next overtime starts (6 additional rounds).
Map number - 1x2 overtime N A bet on a winner of the chosen overtime on the specified map but with a chance of the draw outcome.
Map number Exact score of overtime N A bet on the exact final score for the overtime N on the specified map.
Map number Odd/even number of rounds of overtime N A bet on an odd/even number of rounds played in the overtime.
Map number Total number of rounds of overtime N A bet on the total number of rounds played in the overtime N.
Map number Winner of the first half of overtime N A bet on a team that is the first to win 3 rounds in the overtime N on the chosen map.
For example, if a player places a bet on the outcome of 5.5+, and the total number of rounds played in the overtime is 6, the bet wins as the number of rounds played is higher than the value specified in the Slip. If the bet was placed for the outcome of less than 5.5, and the number of rounds played was 4 or 5, the bet wins. 3. Managing accounts 3.1. Opening an account
To gain access to all basic services on the Site, an account must be opened. To do this, the player must provide his/her e-mail address and set a password which will subsequently be used to enter the players account.
It is also desirable that the player fill in his/her personal information. 3.2. Correctness of the information provided
The player confirms that upon registration for the Site he/she has provided full, accurate, and reliable information about him- or herself and that if any changes occur in this information, the player must immediately apply them to his/her profile. Failure to comply with these rules or disregarding of them may lead to the placing of limitations on the players account, suspension or blocking of the account, as well as cancellation of payments. 3.3. Bet history
Previous bets may be viewed at any time by entering the My bets section of the site. By using the filter to search by date, you may choose the specific period that interests you and view your bets. 3.4. Account history
All of your financial transactions can be accessed at any time. To view them, log in and enter the section Cashbox and the section Payment history. 3.5. Your balance
The current balance of your account is shown at the very top of the site. More detailed information about the state of your real and bonus balance is available on your profile in the section Balance. 4. Making deposits
Before depositing funds into your account, you must log in. After logging in to the system, click on Cashbox to choose the means for depositing funds on your balance. After choosing a payment method convenient for you (e.g. Visa or Mastercard), enter the amount to deposit and click Deposit.
Depending on the payment method that you have chosen, you may be transferred to the page for providing the necessary payment credentials. Enter the necessary details and click Pay. If the transaction is successful, then the money will appear on your balance immediately. 5. Types of bets 5.1. Ordinary
An Ordinary bet is a bet on one selection in one event. This is the simplest bet type, in which your selection must win for you to receive winnings (a return). After choosing a certain result that you want to place a bet on, you simply specify the desired amount of the bet and confirm it. If the result is the right one, then you win. Winnings are calculated by multiplying the coefficient by the amount of your bet. 5.2. Express
By making a bet on the outcome of two or more events, your bet is automatically placed on the Express bet slip. The total coefficient for an Express bet is calculated by multiplying the coefficients of all outcomes.
Note that in order to win, all events included in an Express bet must be predicted; a loss on one of the events in an Express bet shall mean a loss on the entire Express bet.
Express (2) this is one bet on two selections in different events. Both selections must be won in order to receive winnings (a return);
Express (3) this is one bet on three selections in different events. Three selections must be won in order to receive winnings (a return);
Express (X) this is one bet on X number of selections in different events. X number of selections must be won in order to receive winnings (a return). 5.3. System
By betting on the outcome of three or more events, it is possible to make a 'system' bet type in betting slip. In this type of betting, you have the option to create a number of combo bets that will become part of the 'system'. The 'possible winning' of such a bet is calculated by adding the winnings of all the express bets that represents the 'system'. Selecting a combination, for example, two of three (2 3) or three of six (3 6), you choose the number of outcomes that should win to get at least a part of the winnings. To get the full 'possible winnings', you need to guess all the events included in the 'system'. The loss of one of the 'system' events will result in smaller gains. In some cases, the winnings may be less than the amount of the bet. Since the funds in the 'system' are distributed in equal parts between its constituent expresses when making a bet, the amount of the win will depend on which of the expresses and with what odds they played. The size of the total bet is calculated by adding all the bets to groups. A group is one combo bet in the 'system'.
System (23 - two events out of three) consists of 3 expresses, each of which makes two events. Two outcomes have to be won in order to get part of winnings, and to get the full amount of 'possible winnings', all outcomes must win (3);
System (24 - two events out of four) consists of 6 combo bets, each of which makes two events. Two outcomes have to be won in order to get part of winnings, and to get the full amount of 'possible winnings', all outcomes must win (4);
System (36 - three events out of six) consists of 20 expresses, each of which makes three events. Three outcomes must win in order to get part of winnings, and to get the full amount of the 'possible winnings', all outcomes must win (6);
System (XY - X events from Y) is the 'Z' number of combo bets, each of which is 'X' number of events. 'X' outcomes must win in order to get the full amount of 'possible winnings', all outcomes must win (Y);
Before placing a bet, you can check the combination structure and possible winning of each of the combo bets in the 'Choose a combination' section by clicking on the check mark to the right of the number that indicates the number of combo bets that are part of the 'system'. 6. General rules 6.1. Changes in the rules
GG Bet retains the right to update the rules at any time and to add new rules. In this case, new rules or a new version of the rules shall enter into force and shall be applied immediately upon their publication on the website. The updated rules shall govern all bets made after the publication of such rules. 6.2. Age restrictions
Persons under the age of 18 (hereinafter referred to as the Age Limit) are forbidden from registering on the companys website and/or placing bets. Use of the Site by a person who has not reached the Age Limit shall be a direct violation of the Agreement. In connection with this, we have the right to demand documentation that can attest to the players age. A player may be refused provision of services, and activity on his/her account may be temporarily halted if upon our request no proof is provided that the players age is over the Age Limit. 6.3. Protection of personal information
To show our firm position on doing business to international standards, we are publishing this provision on data protection. We believe that proper business relationships can only be built on the basis of honesty and trust. Therefore, the confidentiality of your personal information is extremely important for us.
You can enjoy playing with the knowledge that we are taking all measures to ensure the safety of your transactions. All of your information (including your e-mail address, IP address, and other information) is private and confidential and will not be transferred, sold, or distributed to third parties.
GG Bet upholds spam-prevention policies. All e-mails sent to our players are related to their player accounts. E-mails may also contain current promotional materials and information about new site features. Information about the players winnings and actions performed by him/her are also strictly confidential and stored in a protected environment.
GG Bet does not disclose information about winnings except in cases when such information is officially requested by regulatory authorities. If you have any questions on the protection of your personal information, please contact the online support service. We will be happy to assist you. 6.4. Multiple registration
Opening more than one player account is prohibited. If it becomes known that a participant in betting has multiple player accounts, then all but one will be closed down, and further special offers of the company shall be sent only to the remaining player account.
If it is suspected that a participant in betting has opened several player accounts with the aim of taking advantage of promotional offers or bonuses, the company has the right to withdraw all bonuses and offers and to not take them into account when calculating subsequent bets. 7. Rules for accepting bets
7.1. GG Bet accepts bets on the basis of active lines shown on the GG Bet website on the date that the bet is concluded.
7.2. Bets are accepted for the basic time of the match unless the rules state otherwise.
7.3. Bets are accepted before the beginning of the event. Exceptions to this rule are Live bets, which are taken for events currently ongoing. When placing a bet, a player confirms that he/she does not know the outcome of the event on which he/she is placing a bet.
7.4. All disputes (incorrect calculation of a bet, non-calculated bet, etc.) are accepted for 30 days from the moment that the event ends.
7.5. Changes to Lines (coefficient of winnings, values of handicaps and totals, limits on express bets, maximum bet amount, etc.) can be made by GG Bet at any time. The terms for bets made by the Player before changes to a Line shall be maintained.
7.6. The minimum and maximum size of bets on all sporting events is set by GG Bet and may be changed without prior written notice.
7.7. Any bet (including a Live bet) placed on an event, the result of which is already known at the moment of betting, shall be considered null and void and shall be subject to return, as well as excluded from an express bet.
7.8. All pre-match bets that were made after the game has started are calculated with the odds equal 1.
7.9. Although GG Bet makes every effort to provide accurate information, the company bears no responsibility for clear mistakes made by staff and/or omissions which may cause incorrect display of coefficients, entering of results, the list of participants or the starting time of events.
7.10. The player bears sole responsibility for his/her bets. The player is obliged to ensure that the details of his/her bet are correct. As soon as a bet has been made and its acceptance has been confirmed, it cannot be changed or canceled by the Player. All bets are clearly indicated onscreen together with a request for the Client to enter his/her password to indicate agreement with the terms of the bet before such bet is accepted. After a bet is accepted, it cannot be amended.
7.11. Connection failure or other technical faults in the Players communications shall not be a reason to cancel a bet if the bet has been registered on the server.
7.12. Should events occur that prevent the bookmakers normal operation (technical problems, human error, etc.), bets will be considered null and void and returned to users in full.
7.13. In the event that bets are calculated incorrectly (due to technical fault, improper entry of event results, etc.) the bets that were incorrectly calculated are subject to recalculation.
7.14. In cases, if for any reason team gets technical loss or one of the opponents is disqualified before the match ends, all markets, for which the results are known at the moment of interruption of the match, will be calculated according to the existing results, the remaining markets will be calculated with odds 1.
In cases, when only a part of maps or rounds are played in series, a market for winning the match will be settled according to the official score of the match, and all other markets (including the exact score, handicaps, totals, odd / even) will be returned.
The exception is when the match format has changed. In this case, bets for the played map/maps in the match will be settled; 'Winner' market, as well as all other markets (including the exact score, handicaps, totals, odd/even maps) will be refunded.
7.15. In cases, if there is an official statement that cheats were used in esports match, all bets on this match will be settled with odds 1.
7.16. GG Bet has the right to not accept bets from Players without giving a reason, as well as to not accept bets from those who have violated the Rules, and GG Bet retains the right to close or temporarily block the accounts of individual Clients without prior notice.
7.17. Users are prohibited from placing several identical bets on the same match in order to bypass limits. Such actions will be regarded as a major violation of rules and may lead to additional limits, betting caps, and may result in account blocking.
Bets on the market GAME TIME OVER/UNDER are calculated based on total map/match duration. Duration is determined by the official in-game timer. // Example: GAME TIME OVER/UNDER, the map was played for 36 minutes 01 seconds. This is considered as the 37th minute, and the winning bet will be Over 36.5, the losing bet will be Under 36.5. If the map was played for 36 minutes 00 seconds, then the winning bet will be Under 36.5, and the losing bet will be Over 36.5. 8. Placing bets from ones bonus balance
8.1. When placing bets from ones bonus balance, the rules and conditions for wagering with an active bonus are applied. You can familiarize yourself with these conditions in the Promotions section at GG Bet.
8.2. If a bet has been placed from a bonus balance that has not been won back and which has been used up by payout before the time that the bet is calculated, the given bet will be canceled and no further calculations will be made on it.
8.3. Each player has two balances: a real one and a bonus one. A players real balance is primarily used for bets. Only when the amount on a players account is zero can he/she begin playing with bonus funds. All winnings received when playing with bonus funds shall be calculated to the players bonus balance.
8.4. If a bet was made from the bonus balance which was subsequently won back (funds were converted to real funds), then further calculations will not be carried out on that bet.
8.5. If a player, for whatever reason, does not wish to use bonus funds, then he/she can place bets using real funds without involving the bonus funds. The player can access the current amount of available real funds by clicking on his/her balance in the top part of the screen. 9. Live bets
Live bets are bets taken during an event and only for outcomes, the results of which are still undetermined. Live bets are offered in the special section Live bets 9.1. Coefficient in Live bets
The coefficient for events changes in real time. The coefficient can rise or fall in the period between the choice of the bet and its acceptance, which may influence the value of winnings. The coefficient for these bets changes gradually to reflect the development of events in the match 9.2. Results for Live bets
The results of Live bets, on the basis of which bets are calculated, are the results that become known immediately after the end of the event. All subsequent changes will not be taken into account when deciding the proposed Live bets.
GG Bet carries out the calculation of Live bets on the basis of its own statistical data on the actual course of the game. Unless otherwise stated, in Live bets all bets on athletes not participating in the competition shall be considered null and void. For outcomes, the results of which become known during the match, the calculation of bets, if possible, shall be carried out directly upon the completion of the event.
All bets the outcome of which was defined in Live mode (in particular, bets on who will win a certain segment of the match or whether the total will consist of more), shall be considered valid and are calculated even in the event that the tournament or event was interrupted.
Claims for bets made on a Live event shall be taken into consideration within 24 hours from the start of the event.
If the match is interrupted or is not completed within 48 hours, the bets calculated up to this moment shall not be subject to recalculation. For outcomes, the results of which are not clearly defined, which have not taken place and/or have not been fully completed, the coefficient of winnings on bets shall be equal to 1 (return of bet). 10. Minimum and maximum bet 10.1. Minimum bet
The size of the minimum bet for all events and sports is 0.5 euro or equal in USD/RUB. 10.2. Maximum bet
The maximum bet size for an event is shown in the current line and is determined by GG Bet for each event specifically, as well as for each type of bet, and is subject to change without prior notice of any kind.
GG Bet retains the right to limit the minimum and maximum amount of the bet on individual events, to decline or cancel repeated bets for one and the same result, or on a practically the same combination of results from one participant of a bet and/or a group of participants of a bet, as well as to introduce or cancel all limitations of any kind for any participant of a bet and/or a group of participants of a bet without additional notice and any explanation of the reason for such limitations. 11. Bonuses and promotions
GG Bet regularly offers promotions for new and longtime players. You can get more detailed information by contacting our support team 12. PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG), FORTNITE AND Call of Duty Warzone BETTING RULES
12.1. The recording of a match as a Twitch clip is available to get by request. All complaints are being considered within 24 hours since the ending of the match.
12.2. Total Headshot Kills market only frags (opponent kills) made by headshot are taken into account.
12.3. If the game is played in the format of teams (duo or squad), the 'Total Kills' and the 'Total Headshot Kills' markets are calculated only due to the result of one player, which is indicated in the header of the game, but the final place in a rate market (Top 5/10/20 .. ) counts according to the entire team result.
12.4. In case if the streamer is leaving the match via the game menu before landing on the surface all the bets are remaining in force for the next match.
12.5. If there are circumstances within which the result of the match is unknown, then the bets which were played to that moment will be counted due to the end-of-the-match results, all other bets will be resulted with the odds 1.0.
12.6. If the streamer changes the game mode, all bets that were made before landing on the surface will be calculated with the odds 1.0.
12.7. The Company is not responsible for any actions of the streamer (player), bugs or software errors in the game that prevented the player from achieving the desired result.
12.8. In case of streamsniping the company leaves for itself the right to count all bets made on this match with the odds 1.0. 13. Basic esports betting rules
13.1. All the bet types, bet settling, maximum win amounts regarding esports bets correspond to GGBET Betting Rules.
13.2. When the match is interrupted in cases of participant's refusing to play or disqualification, connection loss, game delay or it's restart or in cases of any technical issues, the bets on all the markets will be refunded except those ones for which the results were already known at the interruption moment.
13.3. If the game is not played within the next forty eight hours from it's initially planned start time the bets on this event will be cancelled and refunded. 13.4. Football esports
13.4.1. The game consists of two times, while the time duration is determined without the extra time and/or penalty series.
13.4.2. The bets are settled in accordance with the main time results.
13.4.3. The substitution quantity is not limited, and the team squad can be any. 13.5. Basketball esports
13.5.1. The betting rules correspond to the betting rules for classical basketball games.
13.5.2. The game consists of 4 quarters.
13.5.3. The bets on a team to win, draw and on any other outcomes of the second half and the fourth quarter are accepted on the main time. All the other suggested markets are settled taking into account the overtime results untill the bet name (market) states otherwise.
13.5.4. Bets on totals for a quarter include points scored by the teams during that quarter and not the complete match down to the end of that quarter. 13.6. Ice Hockey esports
13.6.1. The betting rules correspond to the betting rules for classical Ice hockey games.
13.6.2. The game consists of 3 periods without the overtime and/or penalty shot series.
13.6.3. The bets are settled referring to the results of the main time unless the bet name (market) states otherwise. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. By using and visiting any section of (Website) or by opening an account on the Website you agree to be bound by: Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, any terms and conditions of promotions, any game rules, bonuses and special offers which may be found on the Website from time to time. All of the terms and conditions listed above shall together be referred to as 'the Terms'. Please read the Terms carefully before accepting them. If you do not agree to accept and be bound by the Terms, please do not open an account or continue to use the Website. Your further use of the Website will constitute your acceptance of the Terms. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2. PARTIES
2.1. References in the Terms to 'us', 'our,' 'we' or the the Company are references to the relevant company who you are contracting with, as specified above. 3. CHANGES TO THE TERMS
3.1. The Company reserves the right to amend, modify, update and change any of the Terms for a number of reasons, including legal, commercial or customer service. The most up-to-date Terms are available on the Website and come into effect from the moment of their publication. We will notify the player of any such amendment, modification or change by publishing the new version of the Terms on the Website. It is the responsibility of the player to make sure that he/she agrees to the current Terms and Conditions, and the Company advises the player to follow the updates on the regular basis. The Company reserves the right to modify the Website, services and software and change the system specification requirements necessary to access and use the services at any time and without prior notice.
3.2. If any change is unacceptable to you, you may either cease using the Website, and close Your Account by complying with paragraph 12 of the Terms. Your continued use of any part of the Website after the date on which the Terms are stated to come into effect will be deemed to be your binding acceptance of the revised Terms, including any additions, removals, substitutions or other changes to the identity of the Company in paragraph 2.1 of the Terms, whether or not you have had notice of, or have read, the revised Terms. 4. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
4.1. No-one under the age of 18 or the age of legal consent for engaging in the activities included in the services under the laws of any jurisdiction, whichever is higher (Legal of Age) may use the services under any circumstances and any person not Legally of Age who uses the services will be in breach of the terms of this Terms. The Company reserves the right to request proof of age at any stage to verify that persons not Legal of Age are not using the services. The Company may cancel a person's account and exclude a person from using the services if proof of age is not provided or if the Company suspects that a person using the services is not Legal of Age.
4.2. Online gambling may not be legal in some jurisdictions. You understand and accept that the Company is unable to provide you with any legal advice or assurances in respect of your use of the Services and the Company makes no representations whatsoever as to the legality of the Services in your jurisdiction. Use of the services on the Website are at your sole option, discretion and risk, and you are solely responsible for ascertaining whether it is legal in your jurisdiction.
4.3. The Company does not intend to enable you to contravene applicable law. You represent, warrant and agree to ensure that your use of Website services will comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations. The Company shall not be responsible for any illegal or unauthorized use of the Website services by you.
4.4. The Company does not permit accounts to be opened by, or make any deposits nor used from, customers located or domiciled in Afghanistan, American Samoa, Aruba, Australia, Bonaire, Cyprus, Curacao, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Ethiopia, France, Great Britain, Guyana, Guam, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Israel, Netherlands, Laos, Malta, Portugal, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Saba, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius, Syria, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uganda, United States of America, Vanuatu, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Yemen. This list of jurisdictions may be changed by the Company from time to time with or without notice. You agree that you are not allowed to open an account, nor attempt to use Your Account, if you are based in this jurisdiction.
4.5. You are fully responsible for any applicable taxes and fees resulting from proceeds gained from the use of the Website. If winnings are taxable in your jurisdiction, you are required to keep track and report the winnings to the appropriate authorities. 5. OPENING YOUR ACCOUNT
5.1. In order to open an account (Your Account) to use the Website services, you should provide your e-mail address, choose a password and fill-out the information required to complete the registration by providing us with personal information, including your name, date of birth and phone number.
5.2. To verify your identity, the Company reserves the right to request, at any time, satisfactory proof of identity. Failure to supply such documentation may result in suspension of the account.
5.3. You certify that you have provided accurate, complete and true information about yourselves upon registration and will maintain the accuracy of your information by promptly updating any registration information that may have changed. Failure to do so may result in account closure, account limitations or voiding of any transactions.
5.4. If you have any questions or if you encounter any problems during registration, you can contact Support Service by sending an email to [email protected]
5.5. You may only open a single account at the Website. Any other account you open on the Website will be considered as the Duplicate Account. All Duplicate Accounts may be immediately closed by us and:
5.5.1. all transactions made from the Duplicate Account may be made void;
5.5.2. all stakes or deposits made using that Duplicate Account may be returned to you;
5.5.3. any returns, winnings or bonuses which you have gained or accrued during the time the Duplicate Account was active may be forfeited from you and may be reclaimed by us, and any funds withdrawn from the Duplicate account shall be returned to us on demand.
5.6 Politically exposed persons are obliged to inform us about their status upon registration. You can do so by contacting our support team via e-mail [email protected] after you have completed your registration.
Politically Exposed Persons are the following individuals:
heads of State, heads of government, ministers and deputy or assistant ministers;
members of parliament or of similar legislative bodies;
members of the governing bodies of political parties;
members of supreme courts, of constitutional courts or of other high-level judicial bodies, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances;
members of courts of auditors or of the boards of central banks;
ambassadors, chargs d'affaires and high-ranking officers in the armed forces;
members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of State-owned enterprises;
directors, deputy directors and members of the board or equivalent function of an international organisation.
5.6.1 Politically Exposed Persons will be subject to additional verification procedures as set out in clause 6.6 of these Terms.
Xfl championship 2020 . On February 13, 2020, the XFL formally announced that the name of the game would be the 'XFL Championship' (reviving the alternate title of the first XFL Championship, which was also known as the Million Dollar Game) and would be held at TDECU Stadium in Houston, Texas. On August 2, 2020, actor, producer and former professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson and longtime business partner Dany Garcia led a consortium with Gerry Cardinale's RedBird Capital to purchase the XFL for $15 million, hours before an auction could take place. 6. VERIFICATION OF YOUR IDENTITY; MONEY LAUNDERING REQUIREMENTS
6.1. In consideration of the rights granted to you to use the services, you represent, warrant, covenant and agree that:
6.1.1. You are not under the age of 18 or any legal age required for gambling or gaming activities under the law or jurisdiction that applies to you;
6.1.2. You are the rightful owner of the money in Your Account and all details provided by you to the Company either during the registration process or at any time thereafter, including as part of any payment deposit transaction, are true, current, correct and complete and match the name on the credit/debit cards or other payment accounts to be used to deposit or receive funds in your account;
6.1.3. You are fully aware that there is a risk of losing money when gambling by means of the services and you are fully responsible for any such loss. You agree that your use of the services is at your sole option, discretion and risk. In relation to your losses you shall have no claims whatsoever against the Company;
6.1.4. You fully understand the methods, rules and procedures of the services and Internet gambling in general. You understand that it is your responsibility to ensure the details of bets and games are correct. You will not commit any acts or display any conduct that damages the reputation of the Company.
6.2. By agreeing to the Terms you authorize us to undertake any verification checks we may require or that may be required by the third parties (including regulatory bodies) to confirm your identity and contact details (the Checks).
6.3. During these Checks we may restrict you from withdrawing funds from Your Account.
6.4. If any of the information that you provide to us is untrue, inaccurate, misleading or otherwise incomplete, you will be in breach of contract and we reserve the right to terminate your account immediately and prevent you from using the services, in addition to any other action that we may choose to take.
6.5 If we cannot verify that a player has reached the Allowed Age, we have a right to suspend the player's account. If a player's age is less than the Allowed Age at the time of performing transactions on the Website, we can take the actions as follows:
6.5.1. Your Account will be closed;
6.5.2. all transactions made during that time will become void, and all related funds deposited by you will be returned;
6.5.3. any stakes or bets made during that time will be returned to you; and
6.5.4. any winnings which you have accrued during that time will be forfeited from you and you will be required to return to us all funds that were withdrawn from Your Account.
6.6 Politically Exposed Persons and the customers from the high-risk jurisdictions (for example, those present in the sanctioned countries list or from the countries with the non-stable political environment) will be subject to additional verification measures. Such customers will need to provide the documents explaining the origin of your income. 7. USERNAME, PASSWORD AND SECURITY
7.1. After opening Your Account, you must not disclose your username and password to anyone else. If you have lost or forgotten Your Account details you may recover your password by clicking on the Remind Password link below the login window.
7.2. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and you have sole responsibility for any and all activities that occur under your account. You remain liable for losses incurred by yourself or a third party on Your Account.
7.3. You must notify The Company immediately of any unauthorized use or theft of Your Account or any other breach of security. If requested, you agree to provide The Company with evidence of such theft or unauthorized use. The Company will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password, either with or without your knowledge. 8. DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS TO/FROM YOUR ACCOUNT
8.1. If you wish to participate in betting or gaming using the Website, You must deposit money into Your Account.
8.2. You undertake that:
8.2.1. all money that you deposit in Your Account is untainted with any illegality and, in particular, does not originate from any illegal activity or source; and
8.2.2. all payments made into your account are authorized and you will not attempt to reverse a payment made into Your Account or take any action which will cause such a payment to be reversed by a third party, in order to avoid any legitimate liability.
8.3. The Company does not accept 3rd party deposits, i.e. a friend, relative, partner, husband or wife. You must deposit from an account/system or credit card that is registered in your own name and ensure that your payment requisites are used for the deposits exceptionally to your own account. You agree not to use the payment details of third parties for the withdrawal of funds, as well as not to provide your payment details for the withdrawal of funds from third party accounts. If we discover during our security checks that this has occurred, all winnings at the Website will be forfeited and sent back to the Company, and the accounts will be blocked.
8.4. If a bank transfer is required to return the money to the rightful owner, all bank charges will be borne by the receiver.
8.5. The Company reserves the right to restrict the withdrawal of deposits/funds if those deposits or funds have not been used for playing or making bets on the Website in such a volume which is stipulated by the Company. The Company stipulates this volume on a case-by-case basis at its sole discretion.
8.6. We do not accept cash funds sent to us. We reserve the right to use third party electronic payment processors and/or financial institutions to process payments made by and to you in connection with your use of the services. To the extent that they do not conflict with the terms of this Term, you agree to be bound by the Terms of such third party electronic payment processors and financial institutions.
8.7. By depositing money, you agree that you will not make or attempt to make any charge-backs, and deny or reverse any payment that you have made and you will reimburse the Company for any charge-backs, denial or reversal of payments you make and any loss suffered by the Company as a consequence thereof.
8.8. In case of suspicious or fraudulent payment, including the use of stolen credit cards or any other fraudulent activity, the Company reserves the right to block Your Account, reverse any made pay-out and recover any winnings. We are entitled to inform any relevant authorities or entities of any payment fraud or other unlawful activity and may employ collection services to recover payments. However, under no circumstances shall the Company be liable for any unauthorized use of credit cards, regardless of whether or not the credit cards were reported stolen.
8.9. We may at any time set off any positive balance on Your Account against any amount you owe to us when we re-settle any bets or wagers pursuant to Duplicate Accounts, Cheating, Collusion, Fraud and Criminal Activity or Errors.
8.10. You acknowledge and agree that Your Account is not a bank account and is therefore not insured, guaranteed, sponsored or otherwise protected by any banking or other system insurance. Additionally, any money deposited in Your Account will not earn any interest.
8.11. You may request withdrawal of funds from Your Account at any time provided that:
8.11.1. all payments made into Your Account have been confirmed as cleared and none have been charged-back, reversed or otherwise cancelled;
8.11.2. any Checks referred to in paragraph 6 above have been completed.
8.12. When making a cash-out request certain points need to be considered:
8.12.1. all information in your Profile must be filled out;
8.12.2. funds must be withdrawn with the same method used for depositing;
8.12.3. we are unable to withdraw funds to the credit cards of our players in accordance with the MasterCard regulations. Funds deposited using MasterCard cards will be withdrawn using an alternative payment method;
8.12.4. if the requested amount exceeds one thousand united states Dollars (USD 1,000) or more, the player identification procedure must be carried out by sending us a copy or a digital photograph of your identification documents, such as the Passport or an ID card. The passport series and number may be painted out on the image. The Company may also request another additional documents;
8.12.5. if money was transferred from a phone operator, withdrawal is delayed for 2-3 weeks due to the fraud check;
8.13. We reserve the right to charge a fee amounting to our own costs for withdrawal of funds that have not been put into play.
8.14. A withdrawal amount up to USD 300 will be paid to the customers account for the next day from the date of request, except for weekends and holidays.
8.15. The withdrawal amount of USD 300 to USD 2,000 will be paid to the customers account within 5 days from the date of request, except for weekends and holidays.
8.16. The withdrawal amount of USD 2,000 to USD 20,000 will be paid to the clients account within 14 days from the date of request, except for weekends and holidays.
8.17. The withdrawal amount from USD 20,000 will be paid to the customers account within 30 days from the date of request and no more than USD 20,000 within 30 days from the date of request.
8.18. Other methods of withdrawal will be negotiated separately with the Website Administration.
8.19. In cases when the amount of your withdrawal request is at least 20 times larger than the total sum of your deposits, you will be limited to 5000 USD (or equivalent in your currency) for withdrawal per month.
8.20. Please, remember, BitCoin value can change dramatically depending on the market value.
8.21. Maximum amount for one transaction is 9000 EUR or equival in account currency. 9. PLACING A BET OR GAMING
9.1. It is your responsibility to ensure that the details of any transaction which you place are correct before confirming the bet.
9.2. Your transaction history can be accessed by clicking Cashier on the Website.
9.3. We reserve the right to refuse the whole or part of any transaction requested by you at any time at our sole discretion. No transaction shall be deemed accepted until you receive a confirmation from us. If you did not receive a confirmation that your transaction has been accepted, you should contact Support.
9.4. You can place bets on the Service only by using the credit held in your account.
9.5. The maximum possible winnings per bet is 50 000 USD, or an equivalent amount in the user's account currency, it does not depend on odds and total possible winnings. All winnings above this amount are subject to a write-off. 10. COLLUSION, CHEATING, FRAUD AND CRIMINAL ACTIVITY
10.1. The following activities are not allowed and constitute a material breach of the Terms:
10.1.1. providing information to third parties;
10.1.2. using an unfair advantage or influence, including the exploitation of bugs, loopholes or errors in our software, the use of automated players; or the exploitation of an error;
10.1.3. undertaking fraudulent activities to your advantage including the use of a stolen, cloned or otherwise unauthorized credit or debit card as a source of account deposits;
10.1.4. taking part in any criminal activities including money laundering and any other activity with criminal consequences;
10.1.5. colluding or attempting to collude and intending to participate, directly or indirectly, in any collusion scheme with any other player in the course of any game you play or will play on the Website.
10.2. Any free funds received from the Company: bonuses, points etc, also cannot be a subject for abuse by any means. How To Withdraw Money From Ggbet
10.3. The Company will take all reasonable steps to prevent collusion or any attempts to collude; detect them and the corresponding players; and deal with the corresponding players accordingly. We will not be liable for any loss or damage which you or any other player may incur as a result of collusive, fraudulent or otherwise illegal activity or cheating and any action we take in this respect is at our sole discretion.
10.4. If you suspect a person is colluding, cheating or undertaking a fraudulent activity you shall as soon as reasonably practicable report this to us by e-mail or via online-chat.
10.5. If the Company has a suspicion that you may be engaging in or have engaged in fraudulent, unlawful or improper activity, including, without limitation, money laundering activities, or conduct otherwise in violation of the Terms, your access to the services may be terminated immediately and/or your account blocked. If your account is terminated or blocked in such circumstances, the Company is under no obligation to refund to you any funds that may be in Your Account. The Company shall be entitled to inform relevant authorities, other online service providers and banks, credit card companies, electronic payment providers or other financial institutions of your identity and of any suspected unlawful, fraudulent or improper activity and you will cooperate fully with the Company to investigate any such activity.
10.6. You shall use the services only in good faith towards both the Company and other players using the services. In the event that the Company deems that you have been using the services or the software in bad faith the Company shall have the right to terminate Your Account and any other accounts you may hold with the Company and the Company shall be entitled to retain all monies therein. You hereby expressly waive any future claims against the Company in such regard. 11. OTHER PROHIBITED ACTIVITES
11.1. You must not use any abusive or aggressive language or images; swear, threaten, harass or abuse others, including other users, or behave in this manner towards the Company staff that operate or support the Website.
11.2. You shall not corrupt or flood the Website with information causing the Website to malfunction, nor shall you take any actions that may affect the functioning of the Website in any way, for example releasing or propagating viruses, worms, logic bombs or any similar actions. Any multiple submissions or 'spam' are strictly prohibited. You must not interfere or tamper with, remove or otherwise alter in any way any information available on the Website.
11.3. You shall use the Website for personal entertainment only and you are not allowed to reproduce the Website or any of its parts in any form whatsoever without first obtaining our express consent.
11.4. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website, the servers where the Website is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Website. You must not attack the Website via a denial-of-service attack or any similar type of attack. In case when this provision is breached we will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such breach your right to use the Website will cease immediately.
11.5. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material that you suffer as a result of using the Website or downloading any material posted on the Website, or on any website linked to the Website.
11.6. It is prohibited to sell or transfer accounts between players or to deliberately lose chips or games in order to transfer chips to another player. An intentional loss of the game or a chip occurs when you lose a hand or a game in order to transfer money to another user. 12. DURATION AND TERMINATION
12.1. You may terminate your account (including your username and password) by sending an email to us at [email protected]
12.2. Until you have received a confirmation from us stating that we have closed Your Account, you shall remain responsible for any activity on Your Account between the time when you send us an email and the time when your account is terminated by the Company. Ggbet Withdraw Time
12.3. The Company reserves the right to collect fees, surcharges or costs incurred before you cancel Your Account. In the event that Your Account is terminated, suspended or cancelled, no refund will be granted, no other credits will be credited to you or converted to cash or other form of reimbursement, and you will have no further access to Your Account.
12.4. Upon the termination of Your Account subject to any rights or obligations which have accrued prior to termination, neither party shall have any further obligation to the other under this Term.
12.5 The Company may terminate Your Account, -including your username and password, - immediately without notice:
12.5.1. if for any reason we decide to discontinue to provide the services in general or specifically to you;
12.5.2. if Your Account is associated in any way with any existing account that has been terminated;
12.5.3. If Your Account is associated with, or related to, existing blocked accounts, we may terminate Your Account, irrespective of the nature of this relationship, and the registration details provided on said accounts; or for any other reason we see fit. Save for as otherwise provided herein, on termination any balance in Your Account will be returned to you within a reasonable time of your request, subject always to our right to deduct any amounts owed by you to us;
12.5.4. if you attempt to manipulate or ascertain information concerning the software code or are involved in collusion;
12.5.5. if you tamper or attempt to tamper with the software in any way;
12.5.6. if you are committing any offence e.g. by attempting to access the Website from a jurisdiction where playing the games is illegal;
12.5.7. if you publish any actual or potentially defamatory, offensive, racist, harmful or obscene language or material.
12.6. If Your Account remains inactive for a continuous period of 6 months or more, we may close or suspend Your Account without notice. In the event of such account closure, the Terms will be terminated automatically from the date on which such termination takes effect.
12.7. Your inactive Account will be terminated with an electronic notice using your contact details. In the event of any such termination from our side, except to the extent that such closure and termination is made in accordance with the paragraph 10 (Collusion, Cheating, Fraud and Criminal Activity) or paragraph 17 (Breach of the Terms) of these Terms, we will refund the balance of Your Account to you. If we are unable to locate you, the funds shall be remitted to the relevant gambling authority or to the Company. 13. ALTERATION OF THE WEBSITE
13.1. We may, in our absolute discretion, alter or amend any service offered via the Website at any time for the purpose of maintaining the Website. 14. IT FAILURE
14.1. Whenever unexpected system errors, bugs or problems occur in the software or hardware we use to operate the Website, we will take immediate steps to fix the problem. We do not accept any liability for IT failures which are caused by your equipment used to access the Website or errors related to your internet service provider. 15. ERRORS OR OMISSIONS
15.1. A number of circumstances may arise where a bet is accepted or a payment is made with errors from the Company's side: for example, we mis-state any terms of gaming wager to you as a result of an obvious error or data input error or as a result of a computer malfunction, as well as an error can be made by us as to the amount of winnings/returns that are paid to you as a result of manual or automated input error.
15.2. The Company reserves the right to refuse, restrict, cancel or limit any bet.
15.3. If you are incorrectly awarded any winnings as a result of any human error or any bug, defect or error in the software, or the failure of the relevant games product or the software to operate in accordance with the rules of the relevant game (Errors), then the Company will not be liable to pay you any such winnings and shall immediately inform the Company of the error and you agree to refund any such winnings that may have been paid to you as a result of such error or mistake.
15.4. Neither we nor our partners or suppliers shall be liable for any loss including loss of winnings that results from any Error by us or an error by you.
15.5. The Company and its respective licensees, distributors, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and all of their officers and directors and employees will not be liable for any loss or damages which may be caused by the interception or misuse of any information transmitted over the Internet. 16. EXCLUSION OF OUR LIABILITY
16.1. You agree that you are free to choose whether to use the services on the Website and do so at your sole option, discretion and risk.
16.2. We will provide the Website with reasonable skill and care and substantially as described in the Terms. We do not make any other promises or warranties regarding the Website or the products offered via the Website and hereby exclude all implied warranties in this respect. Ggbet Can't Withdraw
16.3. The Company shall not be liable in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any loss or damage, including but not limited to the loss of data, profits, business, opportunities, goodwill or reputation as well as business interruption or any losses which are not currently foreseeable by us arising from or in any way connected with your use, of any link contained on the Website. The Company is not responsible for the content contained on any Internet site linked to from the Website or via the services. 17. BREACH OF THE TERMS
17.1. You will be required to fully cover any claims, liabilities, costs or expenses and any other charges that may arise as a result of a violation of the Terms by you.
17.2. You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold the Company, its white label partners and their respective companies and their respective officers, directors and employees harmless immediately on demand from and against all claims, demands liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees and any other charges whatsoever, howsoever caused, that may arise as a result:
17.2.1. of any breach of the Terms by you;
17.2.2. violation by you of any law or the rights of any third party;
17.2.3. use by you of the services or use by any other person accessing the services using your user identification, whether or not with your authorization; or
17.2.4. acceptance of any winnings.
17.3. In cases when you are in a major violation of the Terms we reserve the right but are not required to:
17.3.1. provide you with the notice that you are in a violation of the Terms requiring you to stop the continuation of the violation;
17.3.2. suspend Your Account, making you unable to place bets or play games on the Website;
17.3.3. close Your Account with or without a prior notice from us;
17.3.4. withdraw from Your Account the amount of any pay-outs, bonuses or winnings which you have acquired as a result of any major violation.
17.4. We have the right to disable your user name and password if you fail to comply with any of the provisions of the Terms. 18. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS
18.1. The contents of the Website are subject to copyright and other proprietary rights either owned by the Company or used under the license from third party right owners. All downloadable or printable material contained on the Website may be downloaded to a single personal computer only and may be printed solely for personal and non-commercial use.
18.2. Under no circumstances shall the use of the Website grant any user any part of intellectual property rights owned by the Company or by any third party whatsoever.
18.3. Any use or reproduction of any trade names, trademarks, logos or other creative material appearing on this website is prohibited.
18.4. You will be solely liable for any damage, costs or expenses arising out of or in connection with the commission of any prohibited activities. You shall notify the Company immediately upon becoming aware of the commission by any person of any of the prohibited activities and shall provide the Company with reasonable assistance with any investigations it may conduct in light of the information provided by you in this respect. 19. YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION
19.1. We are required to comply with data protection requirements in the way the Company uses any personal information collected during your visit to the Website. We therefore take our obligations in relation to the way we use your personal information very seriously. The Company shall handle all personal information provided by you strictly in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
19.2. By providing us with the information, you agree with our right to process your personal information for the purposes described in the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and for the purposes of compliance with the legal or regulatory obligation.
19.3. It is the Companys policy not to disclose any personal data to anyone except to the third parties and employees that need such access to the data to provide you with the services. We may also disclose your personal information upon lawful request of the public authorities.
19.4. We will retain copies of all your communications with us in order to maintain the accurate records of the information that we have received from you.
20.1. The Company uses cookies in order to provide a certain functionality of the Website. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer when you access the Website, which allows us to recognize you when you come back to the Website. More information about deleting or controlling cookies is available at Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or use certain features of the Website. 21. COMPLAINTS AND NOTICES
21.1. If you wish to make a complaint regarding the Website, as a first step you should, as soon as reasonably practicable, contact Support Service about your complaint.
21.2. In the event of any dispute, you agree that the records of the server shall act as the final authority in determining the outcome of any claim. 22. EVENTS OUTSIDE OUR CONTROL
22.1. The Company will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform or delay in performance of any of our obligations under the Terms that is caused by events outside our reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God, war, civil commotion, interruption in public communications networks or services, industrial dispute or DDOS-attacks and similar Internet attacks that may have an adverse effect (Force Majeure).
22.2. Our performance is deemed to be suspended for the period the Force Majeure event continues and we will have an extension of time for performance for the duration of that period. We will use our reasonable endeavors to bring the Force Majeure event to a close or to find a solution by which the Company obligations may be performed despite the Force Majeure event. 23. WAIVER
23.1. If we fail to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations or if we fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled, this shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with such obligations.
23.2. A waiver by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default. No waiver by us of any of the provisions of the Terms shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated to you in writing in accordance with the above. 24. SEVERABILITY
24.1. If any of the Terms are determined to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision will to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law. In such cases, the part deemed invalid or unenforceable shall be amended in a manner consistent with the applicable law to reflect, as closely as possible, Our original intent. 25. LINKS
25.1. The Website may contain links to other websites which are also outside the Companys control and are not covered by the Terms. The Company will not be liable for the content of any third party websites or the actions or omissions of their proprietors nor for the contents of third party advertisements and sponsorship on those websites. The hyperlinks to other websites are provided for information purposes only. You use any such links at your own risk. 26.PROMO CODES
26.1. Promo code (redeemable code) - a unique alphanumeric code that a player can redeem in his profile to receive a gift. For example, deposit bonus.
26.2. Redeeming a code is impossible without confirming the email used for registration.
26.3. For deposit offers with a promo code a player must activate the code before he makes a deposit. A code is valid only for one deposit - the first made after code redemption (unless stated otherwise in terms of the promotion).
26.4. Redemption of several promo codes for one deposit is forbidden. Such actions will be regarded as abuse of bonus policy of the Website. In the case of redemption of several promo codes all bonus funds will be withdrawn from your account and the account may be blocked. 27. Affiliate bonus program
27.1 The program conditions are valid only within the following rules being fulfilled.
27.2 Program promotion conditions are activated on your account automatically after signing up with a specific referral link, that was placed by our partner, and only to accounts with a confirmed email address.
27.3 Qualifying deposit should be made within 14 days after the sign up. Otherwise the bonus will be expired.
27.4 The Wagering requirements for the bonus amount to be cashed out are 14 times the bonus amount within 14 days of the bonus being awarded.
27.5 If wagering requirements are not met according to the terms mentioned here, any bonus and winnings from the bonus will be deducted from the balance.
27.6 Qualifying bets for the wagering must be placed at odds of 1.75 or more and be settled, eligible type of bets single.
27.7 The minimum qualifying first deposit amount is 10 USD, 10 EUR, 600 RUB. All specific amounts can be requested by contacting our customer services department. In case bets are made using both the bonus and real cash, the winnings will be awarded proportionately. Bonus winnings will be added to bonus balance and winnings from cash to cash balance.
27.8 The maximum bonus amount awarded is 15 USD, 15 EUR, 900 RUB and the maximum winnings that can be cashed out are 50 USD, 50 EUR, 3000 RUB or the equivalent amount in your account currency, the remaining amount will be deducted from the balance. All specific amounts can be requested by contacting our customer services department.
27.9 In case a withdrawal is made before the wagering conditions are met, any bonus amount and winnings from the bonus will be reduced to zero.
27.10 GG.BET reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the promotion at any time or void the winnings from the bonus amount.
27.11 Any withdrawal request could be subject to ID and age verification, by failing which the request can be denied.
27.12 Terms and conditions are subject to review and changes at any time during the promotion. 28. Bonus codes '100 for deposit up to $50'
28.1. The Wagering requirements for the bonus to be cashed out are 28 times the bonus amount within 14 days of the bonus being awarded.
28.2. If wagering requirements are not met according to the terms mentioned here, any bonus and winnings from the bonus will be deducted from the balance.
28.3. Qualifying bets for the wagering must be placed at odds of 1.75 or more and be settled, eligible type of the bets single.
28.4. The minimum qualifying deposit amount is:$5, 5 and 300 RUB
28.5. For the wagering qualifications to start the bonus or real balance must be used.
28.6. In case bets are made using both the bonus and real cash, the winnings will be awarded proportionately. Bonus winnings will be added to bonus balance and winnings from cash to cash balance.
28.7. The maximum bonus amount awarded is:$50, 50 and 3000 RUB
28.8. In case a withdrawal is made before the wagering conditions are met, any bonus amount and winnings from the bonus will be reduced to zero.
28.9. The maximum winnings that can be cashed from all bonus offers are $50, 50, 3000 RUB or the equivalent amount in your account currency, the remaining amount will be deducted from the balance. All specific amounts can be requested by contacting customer services department.
28.10. GG.Bet reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the promotion at any time or void the winnings from the bonus amount.
28.11. Any withdrawal request after this promotion code is used, could be subject to verification, failing which the request can be denied.
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